Hiring Right Using The Right Tools

Last week, Fortune Magazine ran an article on how large, fast-growing companies have used the same candidate screening tests (TriMetrix HD assessments) that we use in our recruiting efforts. This article supports our findings that the test is highly effective and useful.  Beyond that, I found the article to be both inspiring and exciting because you don’t have to be a Fortune 100 company to be strategic in your hiring.

The article describes how NetSuite, a fast growing business software provider, was growing so fast that its hiring practices became a strategic concern for the CEO.   To address this strategic concern, NetSuite used the TriMetrix HD assessment to test its top performers and its poor performers and then created a “benchmark” for high and low achievers.  All candidates are now compared to the benchmarks and hiring decisions are based on the results. The outcome?  At NetSuite, productivity is up and mis-hires have been all but eliminated.

Here’s the great news:  You don’t have to be a big company to do this exact same thing.  You don’t even have to hire a recruiter – you just need the right tools and have some strategic creativity.  While “hiring right” is critical for large, growing companies, I believe it is even more essential for small businesses because small businesses rely the talents of fewer employees.  For ideas on how to use TriMetrix or on how to improve your hiring results, give us a call!  To read the article, click here:

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