Legalized Marijuana and Work

Marijuana is now legal in some form in 35 states and Washington, D.C. with 7 additional states having decriminalized marijuana possession and 2 states legalizing CBD oil use. (You can find the current status of marijuana legality in your state here.)     Many experts expect the continued expansion of legalization of various forms.   Much […]

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

Federal and in some instances state and local law protects several groups of people in the workplace based on their sexual or gender identity.  Given the newness of these protections, as well as the diversity of characteristics and people within this group, some employers are finding it difficult to know how to react to and […]


Question: We are re-opening the office and have some employees who are vaccinated while others are not. Do we have to implement any different procedures or policies? Answer:  Allowing fully vaccinated individuals to unmask and requiring those without a vaccine to continue masking adheres to the recent CDC (and in many instances state and local) […]

Out-of-State Employees

Among the many changes to “business as usual” forced upon businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic is the reality of more employees working from home. Whether due to regulatory shutdowns or the requirement to self-quarantine or-isolate due to COVID-19 exposure or symptoms, many businesses have had to create solutions to allow employees to remote work in […]

Preparing for Workplace Re-Entry During COVID-19

To view or print the PDF checklist version click here! As state, local, and municipal governments take steps to re-open businesses across the country, employers must take a fresh look at their physical workspace, their workplace practices, and their communication and training of employees in order to prohibit the spread of the coronavirus and to […]

Managing Employees’ Online Behavior

We have all read stories of someone’s unacceptable or illegal actions going viral and the public using social media to identify that person and where they work and live. While we normally think of social media as a personal pastime, social media can be a valuable resource for business purposes. And, employee behavior on social […]

Mandating COVID Vaccinations

As 2020 drew to a close, we started fielding questions from clients about whether they could require employees to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment.  These questions were sparked by the initial roll out of vaccinations for front line health care workers and nursing home residents and the alarming spike of COVID […]