Disruptive Phone Behavior
Q: We have an employee who is constantly on their phone for personal business. While we understand they need to check in with their family, it gets out of hand and keeps them from doing work. It also disrupts the office keeping everyone else from being able to do their work efficiently. What can we […]
Non-Exempt Employee Deductions
Question: What deductions can we take from a non-exempt employee’s paycheck? Answer: First, make any deductions required by law such as taxes, unemployment, and Social Security. This would also include garnishments required by a legal authority such as the courts or IRS. Any other deductions would need to be categorized as those for the employee’s […]
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
Federal and in some instances state and local law protects several groups of people in the workplace based on their sexual or gender identity. Given the newness of these protections, as well as the diversity of characteristics and people within this group, some employers are finding it difficult to know how to react to and […]
Question: We are re-opening the office and have some employees who are vaccinated while others are not. Do we have to implement any different procedures or policies? Answer: Allowing fully vaccinated individuals to unmask and requiring those without a vaccine to continue masking adheres to the recent CDC (and in many instances state and local) […]